2024 SCDW 10 Minute Play Festival
Call for Original Scripts
The Sullivan County Dramatic Workshop is calling for original plays to be presented at the Rivoli Theatre from September 13, 2024, through September 22, 2024. All plays chosen must meet the following requirements:
Running time must be no longer than 10 minutes from curtain to curtain (strictly enforced)
All plays have a cast size limited to a maximum of 4 speaking characters. (More characters can be present but in non-speaking roles.)
Plays will be presented in a black box format with minimal set and props. The Producers reserve the right to determine if the chosen plays meet this requirement.
Vulgar language and topics will not be accepted for submission.
Play submissions must be in an electronic format and submitted to the Producers no later than April 12, 2024. Plays submitted after that date may not be given consideration.
Two copies of each play must be submitted in PDF format – one identifying the playwright and the file name containing the name of the play and playwright (My Play by Harold Tighe.pdf) and one blind copy with no identification as to the author in the script and with blind in at the end of the file name (My Play blind.pdf)
Authors will be notified of their play being selected for performance no later than June 30, 2024.
No more than 2 plays may be submitted by a playwright.
SCDW reserves the right to present the selected plays without payment of a royalty to the author. 16 plays will be selected at the discretion of the Producers and Reading Committee.
For more information, please contact Producer Amber Schmidt at amber.scdw@gmail.com or Producer Lourdesa Hunt at Lourdesa.scdw@gmail.com